BrandBranding a Person

Branding a Person

Simon has worked with many brands over the last 30+ years, where the process of positioning or Re:Positioning has had a sense of familiarity to it.

A few months back, Simon agreed to Mentor a local Film Maker, Patrick Frost, and realised the conversations that unfolded comprised of ‘Branding a Person’, which was far more intimate than anyone had envisaged.

Patrick’s new Brand Vision.

I want my work to be impactful, to make a difference, to make the world a better place, to make the less known more known.

With power, emotion + meaning.

To give people a voice, to embrace nature and demonstrate how they can become a powerful force for good. 

What is Personal Branding?

By its very nature, personal branding is the art of marketing one’s self and career as a brand. It’s about delivering who you are, what you do, what you stand for, and how you want to be perceived by others. It’s the story you tell about yourself and how you engage people. How you create desire in what you do, and build trust. Unlike traditional branding, personal branding is all about one person. It’s all about YOU. It’s an intimate and productive experience.

Facilitating such a process was a real privilege and something that  we at TakingFive, hope to do more of in the future.

Whilst it is challenging, intrusive, demanding, emotional and difficult all rolled into one, the results are some of the most dramatic and personal that we have witnessed to date.

The trust built between the two was considerable, which is a vital platform, from which safety was felt. This gave way to exciting challenge. Patrick knew that we were demanding the best of and for him. He was able to deliver honesty of his story, himself and his future business.

Intimate Questions.

Many of the questions asked did not differ from those asked of larger companies and organisations, but by making it personal, greater depths seem to be reached to help craft the answers.

For the Personal Brand ‘Purpose’, the question ‘Why Do I Exist’, seems to hold a lot more ‘responsibility’ somehow.

For a Personal Brand ‘Vision’ questions such as ’What Future Do I Want to Help Create’, and ‘What does ‘MY’ Future Look Like’, demand a level of thinking that affects us on a very intimate level.

And for a Personal ‘Mission’, ‘What am I Here to Do?’ Leaves no hiding place.

Patrick addressed all these challenges with both courage and energy and a consciousness of himself that was exciting to be a part of.

From the Personal Brand positioning that we created together, Patrick has Re:Branded himself and his services and is now working more in the sector that satisfies him, all because he was brave enough to explore himself and effect the change.

If you would like to know more about Patrick’s journey or are feeling brave enough to position your own Personal Brand, then contact Talking Five today.

Be like Patrick. Contact us today and make the change.

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time to think.

taking five.

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