We work with brands and people who feel change is required and who are excited by the opportunities ahead of them.
Whether you are in the new generation of start ups or already in business, we work with people that might not know what change looks like or how to get there. But they are brave enough to take the leap in finding it. We take the time to listen, understand, challenge and provide a framework to guide you to the best, most effective work required, because it’s about getting to what you, your team and your brand need. We will collaboratively create an understanding, where in order to thrive, your brand is clear on the fundamental role it will play in your marketing and in the lives of your customer.
Read on to find out about our Brand Consultancy so we can work together on the entire programme or one step and a time.
People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.
Simon Sinek
Our Framework: the stages we take you through
1.Brand Foundation
One on One: Sessions to clarify your personal vision for your business (no matter what size), scoping where you are and where you want to be.
Delivered either as a one-off, a series of sessions or as the starting point for the full branding process.
Our Framework: the five stages we take you through
2.Brand Philosophy
Who are you and why are you here?
Defining why the brand and business exists and how it can make your world better.
Research, Discovery and Strategy.
We’ll conduct research and facilitate inclusive team discovery sessions.
The output is your own BrandTake document that brings clarity to the process of evolving your brand identity & positioning.
Our Framework: the five stages we take you through
3. Brand Creation
Creating and crafting ideas across key areas of your brand delivery.
At this juncture, we enter the creative territories. With the objective to unearth a clear creative project brief for you. To capture the themes and ideas developed during the collaborative sessions and set out the tactical deliverables. So your team can feel empowered, part of the creative process and ready to move forward with a watertight brief.
At this point, we will assemble our collaborative band of creatives, or help you commission the right agency to produce the deliverables (brand identity, digital or print).
Whichever route you chose, we’ll stay on board so that your strategy and ideas don’t get lost in the execution.
Our Framework: the five stages we take you through
4. Brand Appeal
What impression you make to your customers.
Together, we will have made a series of decisions that will result in a considered and cohesive creative solution for your new or existing brand. We will deliver your new brand identity as a ready-to-use BrandKit with clear visual guidelines. In addition to this visual guidance, we will incorporate compelling messaging, tone of voice guidance and manageable topic areas, so you have your very own checklist to you stay on message and on brand.
We also help define a unique experience around the moments that matter. How to sell an idea….. and what the spirit of your brand is.
Our Framework: the five stages we take you through
5. Brand Check
To help your brand stand the test of time and remain relevant: BrandCheck is a way of protecting the investment you’ve made in creating your brand.
By choosing to engage TakingFive on an on-going basis, we can shape your BrandCheck package to meet your specific needs and budget, keeping your brand cohesive, resilient and agile in this ever-changing world. Making sure it continues to help your business reach its’ goals and remain connected to your customers.
Fight against conformity, boringness, drudgery.
Phil Knight
Founder NIKEThe skillsets we provide you with
Skills of the Brand Band
Brand Strategist + Client Lead Business consultancy, mentoring, small business start-up guidance + insight
Brand + Graphic design
Web development
Social Media pro
Copywriting + story telling
Brand Values:
Mentoring for START UPS
During the 35 years of business experience gained, there have been some extremely influential individuals within Simon’s career that have helped shape him through his journey.
Simon aspires to help people in the same way when possible, which is why he also offers a mentoring programme to the next generation of brand owners: Sharing his knowledge, skills and experience (good, bad and indifferent), to help others develop and grow. Simon is a guiding hand and an external person to bounce ideas off.
Brand. It’s your foundation
If you don’t define your brand at the outset, you’ll never really believe in what you’re saying and you’ll keep on with frustratingly ineffective scattershot marketing.
Lead with a brand strategy and your marketing plan will fall into place.
A brand-first approach will maximise all your efforts across the business, not just marketing; but your culture, who joins your team, what your product delivers, how you talk to your customers, the next big decision. Your WHY.
Take Time to Think
We need to stop slap dash acts of branding: those off-the-cuff actions that will send you spiralling off course.
We believe in creating ‘Time to Think’ because when you’re in the thick of it, it isn’t always easy to take a step back.
As your external guide, we can help you to unblock and see things differently. It doesn’t have to take a long time; it just needs some focused attention.
Branding: is an inclusive process
Branding is a journey that everyone needs to go on together. We believe in involving you and your team right the way through the process to get the best creative and strategic result.
In our experience, by ensuring everyone’s voice is heard and harnessing their collective enthusiasm and energy, they become passionate brand ambassadors, with everyone pulling in the same direction.
Don’t forget your Customer
We believe that in today’s world there is a fine balancing of commerce with social progress. Because the brands that will both thrive and survive will be ones that we don’t just want to buy from - but ones we buy ‘into’ and fall ‘in’ love with.
By involving customers, it is possible to glean valuable insights and an alternative perspective that wouldn’t be possible if the focus was solely on what you and your team think is right.
We help investigate customer's motivations and dislikes and what value you and your brand deliver for them; What fundamentally leads them to engage with you and find out what it is that they love.